Set in a world of anthropomorphic animals, BFF follows three kids: the clumsy bear BEN, the enthusiastic squirrel FRIDA, and the cool cat FREDDIE. Despite their social and family differences, the trio love spending time with each other.

In HOWL TOWN, inhabited by all kinds of animals, there is a cosy cafe called ‘BUNS, FRIENDS AND FAMILY’. The cafe is run by a large and neighbourly squirrel family. The squirrels’ eldest daughter FRIDA loves to hang out at the family cafe with her besties BEN and FREDDIE. All three of them are classmates and partners in crime experiencing a never-ending awkwardness of social life. Dealing with casual relationship situations, the friends learn the importance of tolerance, acceptance and compassion. Any trouble can be turned into an adventure with BFF! True friendship is the BFFs’ superpower. The series depicts relatable characters, imperfect families and real-life relationships. It treats kids with respect and boosts their emotional intelligence. The magic of BFF is its focus on genuine friendship and belonging. That’s what the series is all about!

26 x 11′
Format Details
Season 1: 26 x 11'
Production Year(s)
Target Age
2D Animation
Adventure, Comedy
Produced By
Lithuanian Film Center, Creative Europe Media, Lithuanian Public Broadcaster LRT