This animated series is based upon the stories of Dick Bruna’s successful classic children’s books.
The series tells us about the lives of the Miffy’s bunny family, Miffy at school, celebrating her birthday and much more. We also meet the other characters, such as Snuffy the Dog, Poppy Pig and Boris Bear and his girlfriend Barbara.
- Format
- 83 x 5′
- Format Details
- Season 1- The Classics 2D: 53 x 5'
Season 2 - Colours, Numbers and Shapes: 30 x 5' - Production Year(s)
- 1992, 1996
- Target Age
- 3-6
- Style
- 2D Animation
- Type
- Series
- Resolution
- HD
- Genre
- Adventure
- Produced By
- Mercis Media