Mega Mindy

39 x 30′
Format Details
Season 1: 13 x 30'
Season 2: 13 x 30'
Season 3: 13 x 30'
Production Year(s)
Target Age
Live Action
Action, Adventure
Produced By
Studio 100

Mo, a slightly geeky and clumsy police officer, escapes the monotony of her daily routine by donning the mantle of the superhero „Mega Mindy.“

Working at the local police station in a quaint village, Mo goes unnoticed by her colleagues and boss, Commissioner Migrain, who often dismiss her as inept and bumbling. Little do they know, Mo harbors a secret identity as Mega Mindy, a formidable crime-fighter adorned in a shiny suit and cape.

With the help of her grandfather, Opa Fonkel, Mo transforms into Mega Mindy for a brief 30 minutes, just enough time to thwart villains and uphold justice. Despite her mundane appearance as a police woman, Mo’s alter ego Mega Mindy takes center stage in battling evil on several occasions.

While Mo harbors romantic feelings for her charming colleague Toby, he remains oblivious to her affections, captivated instead by the heroic Mega Mindy.

Behind the scenes, Mieke, a young woman working at the studio of the Flemish TV channel, secretly admires Mo, unaware of her dual identity as Mega Mindy. Meanwhile, a new mystery unfolds as a notorious bad guy emerges, challenging Mega Mindy’s prowess.

As tensions rise and secrets unravel, Mo must navigate the complexities of her dual life as a police officer and a superhero, all while grappling with matters of the heart. With Belgium as her backdrop, Mega Mindy faces adversaries and embraces her role as a guardian of justice, determined to protect her community and claim victory over evil.