Based on the immensely successful children’s books by Anders Jacobsen and Sören Olsson, this highly original animated series guarantees lots of fun and laughter, based on Tosh’s very special take on life.
In 9-year-old Tosh’s life nothing out of the ordinary ever happens. At least that’s how it seems to him. What he doesn’t see is his real talent for getting himself and others into lots of trouble without even realising it. He’s a little casanova who does anything to melt the heart of his latest crush. Even his eccentric family is sometimes a little bemused by Tosh’s early maturity.
- Format
- 26 x 30′
- Format Details
- Series: 26 x 30'
- Production Year(s)
- 2001
- Target Age
- 7-13
- Style
- 2D Animation
- Type
- Series
- Resolution
- SD
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy
- Produced By
- Studio100 Media, Happy Life Animation, Magma Films